Interactive Tech for Events
As millennials we endure some unfortunate stereotypes. Perhaps the most prevalent is that we millennials are unable to engage with the world around us. That’s not the case. But it is true to say that we millennials engage in a different way to the Gen X-ers before us.
We’ve all read articles about millennials who stare at their phones for 18 hours a day. (To be fair, many Gen X-ers are no different.) This sharp culture change to a digital-first society is actually a fantastic opportunity to cater for people who are often left out at business events.
Millennials are moving into management. Many of them are running million-pound businesses already. This new generation of digital natives hunger for interactivity and value ease of use. To connect with them at business events you have to get interactive and touchscreen technology is the natural place to start.

The Challenge: Get Interactive to Market to the Millennial

If you’re marketing to millennials at live events, you need to provide the same high-quality, interactive content that they’ve been using since they were young adults. Adobe cites some interesting tips about delivering training to millennials. It suggests, quite rightly in our opinion, that training material should be delivered to millennials on touchscreen devices – not just computers. It’s about making people feel connected and comfortable. The added benefit to your business is that it gets a foothold with a generation that has, so far, been neglected.
At live events a static poster or even a digital billboard just isn’t going to cut it. But that’s the golden opportunity. Switch those signs out for touchscreen displays with interactive content and you have a much better chance of reaching these valuable clients and making key messages stick. At live events your company also needs to think about taking interactivity outside the smartphone or tablet to create memorable experiences. With the right interactive software a giant interactive display creates an immersive experience to remember. The possibilities are vast, but even at the entry level large touchscreens with the right interactive software can bring your content to life. Whether it’s to show off a portfolio, present information or interactive guides, or sign visitors up to trial periods or email marketing lists.
At business events a large touchscreen interface really comes to life as a platform for interactive gaming. Showcase a quiz, or challenge your audience to beat each other’s scores using a leaderboard. Not only do interactive games engage individuals, it gets them doing your marketing for you.

Millennials Understand Viral Experiences

Despite the millennial generation’s reputation for being too interested in tech, it’s worth remembering that this a group of people are hard-wired to ‘like’ and ‘share’ good experiences – and they have the power to create viral hits.
Delivering those experiences can drive your marketing virtually without cost. In fact, a millennial referral via word of mouth is statistically more likely to happen than a referral through social media.
Irrespective of the key aims at your live events, incorporating the interactive components that millennials are looking for will give you a valuable edge over competitors who have not yet risen to the challenge.

Touchscreen Rentals